Email Signatures
Jobot Boosts Brand With Unified Email Signatures

Beautiful email signatures
Consistent Branding
Works on
Products Used
Jobot was rapidly growing. The company CEO wanted to make sure their brand was always portrayed in the best light. This extended to email signatures...”We were using our custom signature internally and pushing it out via Active Directory,’ says Kapano. “Internally signatures looked great but if they set it up on their phone or used email on their phone, the signature didn’t work.” The signatures also did not work on, the sale engagement tool Jobot used for business development emails.
All of this was made more complicated by Jobot’s distributed workforce, “We had a big remote team of recruiters who send a lot of emails from their phones. We didn’t like them sending emails with broken signatures that said “not found” where an image should be. And we definitely didn’t want them pasting in their own graphics or image,” says Kapan
To solve these issues, Jobot’s CTO, Nadeem Chaudry, wanted a unified platform to standardize email signatures everywhere. That platform would need to enable remote, automated email signature management, as well, so the IT and infrastructure team would not need to install signatures on every employee’s device manually. Lastly, Jobot needed to manage email signatures on two domains - one for sales emails - to avoid the corporate email domain being labeled as spam.
Jobot first email templates was designed and sent out via Opensense in days. Because Opensense is a cloud-based SaaS, there were no infrastructure requirements beyond changing a a few email configuration settings. “The product was easy to setup and start using. And it was flexible; if we wanted to add a new field to our signature block, we could do that in a minute and it would deploy globally to all our employees a few minutes later,” says Kapano.
Jobot employees loved that Opensense made sure their email signature looked sharp and rendered beautifully no matter what device or client they used - across iOS and Android, Gmail Outlook, Office365 and Outreach. “The signature transformation is really handy,” says Kapano. “There are a lot of companies that will benefit from having a uniform signature across Gmail, Outlook.” Opensense reduced the amount of time Kapano and other IT staff required to manage email signatures at Jobot.
For example, Opensense enables admins to upload a spreadsheet containing all new user additions and account changes to mass update the system, something Kapano found convenient. To add Opensense to mobile emails, users only had to copy and paste a short code snippet into their email profile on the device. This snippet would instruct Opensense to apply the signature at the server level, ensuring compliance.
Jobot’s marketing team started using Opensense to distribute signatures with seasonal variants of the company’s distinctive robot logo. When Kapano had questions, Opensense support responded quickly and proactively. Says Kapano, “We have gotten excellent support. The product works as advertised. I have had a great experience with Opensense.

See how leading marketing & brand teams use Opensense to maintain total control of their employee email.