Email Insights & Analytics

Empowering Sales Growth: Leveraging Real-Time Insights with Opensense at Five9

Use Case:
Email Insights & Analytics
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Visibility Into Buyer Behavior

Performance metrics and real-time updates like ad clicks, document views, and website visits help Five9 sellers better prioritize and contextualize their follow-up, positively impacting buyer experiences.

Simple, Actionable Data

Five9 sellers don't need to think to use this digital engagement channel—just compose, attach, and send. Then, they can use actionable data to close more deals more quickly.


Improve sales visibility
by providing real-time insights into buyer behavior and engagement.
Integrate and enhance
their existing Martech stack.
Scale the sales team
and improve their overall performance.
Seamless customer service
that is scalable and easy to replicate.
Elevate the buyer’s journey
by reducing friction and delivering timely and relevant interactions.

Products Used



Industry Trends

Sales Enablement Technology

Over the last decade, go-to-market teams have made investments in Sales Enablement technology throughout the sales funnel. At the top of the funnel are tools like Outreach and Salesloft that help prioritize prospects who are hand raisers and want to learn more. At the middle of the funnel, prospects and customers are delivered content, often through tools like Seismic and Highspot, that then can be used to zero in on genuinely interested buyers. However, these technologies may not always have the same impact at the bottom funnel. At the end of the sales process, sellers still rely heavily on email.


Just like today’s marketers find value in identified members of a buyer group visiting your website, sellers find value in knowing which buyers are interacting with their emails. Yet, email remains the most underutilized digital engagement channel that directly impacts buying groups at this crucial point, where deals are won and lost. Historically, there has been insufficient tooling in the market to help sales organizations achieve accuracy, reliability, and scalability within this channel. But for sellers today, with Opensense, the game has changed.

The Challenge

The sales team at Five9 faced significant challenges in scaling their operations to meet increasing demand. A more efficient and responsive sales process became critical as the company expanded, particularly into larger enterprises. Esther Friend, VP of Sales Efficiency and Transformation, focused on scaling the sales team and building a tech stack that increased productivity and delivered a better buyer experience.

They needed a tool to optimize conversions from qualified leads to closed deals, ensuring timely engagement with prospects. Esther explains, "Our sales reps lacked visibility into buyer behavior.”


Opensense offered real-time, automated email and attachment tracking that integrated seamlessly into the team's workflow. It also worked well with other sales and marketing tools in the Five9 tech stack. Esther continues, “With Opensense, our sales process changed. We could understand when buyers were engaging with our reps and reach out at the right moment."

Opensense transformed Five9's sales operations by providing clear visibility into customer engagement. The tool was easy for the sales team to adopt, significantly enhancing their daily operations. With Opensense, the team could make informed, data-driven decisions, optimize their strategies, better understand prospect behaviors, and ultimately deliver superior service.

“Opensense has become indispensable in our sales tech stack, helping us scale the team, boost productivity, elevate the customer experience, and reduce friction within the buyer's journey.”
Esther Friend
VP of Sales Efficiency and Transformation


Opensense improved internal metrics and revolutionized Five9's approach to sales, making the process more effective and customer-centric. Esther shares, "Opensense has become indispensable in our sales tech stack, helping us scale the team, boost productivity, elevate the customer experience, and reduce friction within the buyer's journey. One significant moment that exemplifies the tool's value was when it revived a stalled deal by tracking interactions, enabling us to re-engage and successfully close the deal promptly."

Opensense has proven to be a valuable asset in Five9's mission to deliver exceptional customer service and achieve sales success. The tool's ease of use and seamless integration have made it an essential part of Five9's tech stack, driving sales efficiency and customer satisfaction.

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