Email Ad Campaigns
Email Signatures
Akumin's Unifying Brand Story with Opensense

Cloud-based centralized
Standardized email signatures
Launch sender-based
Total email compliance
Brand consistency
Manage multiple brands
Products Used
A Unification Challenge Amid Rapid Growth
Akumin, a leading radiology and oncology provider, had grown significantly through a number of acquisitions over several years. The acquisition of Alliance Healthcare Services doubled their headcount. This expansion led to a mismatch of email signatures, causing confusion with brand representation. "For a period of a year, we had a mismatch of email signatures. Some instances, our employees combined the two brand names; other times, they uploaded new logos to represent both" explains Lisa Borg, Senior Vice President of Marketing.
With 9 varying sub-brands and legacy names, maintaining a cohesive and consistent brand identity became a daunting task.
The challenge was clear: unify multiple brands and create a cohesive brand culture.
Bringing Brands Together with Flexibility
When faced with the challenge of maintaining brand integrity across multiple domains and brands, Akumin sought a solution that offered flexibility and robust integration capabilities. After evaluating several competitors, they chose Opensense for its unique ability to meet their requirements.
One key factor that set Opensense apart from competitors like Templafy was its seamless integration with Google Workspace and Okta. This was particularly important for Akumin, as they had recently transitioned from Microsoft to Google Workspace.
Lisa Borg, a representative from Akumin, emphasized this by stating, "The main differentiator between Templafy and Opensense for us was that we are a Google Workspace company, and Opensense already had an integration with Google Workspace and proven case studies."
The platform's user-friendly interface, flexibility, and competitive pricing made it a natural choice for Akumin. Lisa Borg further explained, "We use Opensense for managing our email signatures, incorporating around six or seven sub-branded signatures, and activating features like verification emails for sensitive data, such as PHI. Additionally, we've successfully employed ad banners in sales and executive email signatures to promote our presence at major industry events, yielding fantastic results and positive feedback."
Check out the metrics below.
RSNA 2023 - Leading Through Change Event
Goal: Visit the Akumin booth
Target: Experience Our Automated Workflow Solutions
Total Delivered: 14,628 Banners
Total Impressions: 51,840
CTR: 5.66%

A Unified Brand Awareness and Recognition
Implementing Opensense not only unified the brand representations but also cultivated the creation of a cohesive brand identity across the newly merged entities.
The internal campaign, #OneAkumin, supported this vision of unification and contributed to transitioning away from legacy brand names and fostering a collective sense of pride among team members.
"Whenever you acquire a new company, there's always a challenge to create a cohesive and inclusive culture that resonates with all team members. Our goal at the outset of this was to create #OneAkumin, where everyone feels proud to be a part of the new company; we sought to capture that with customized email signatures that helped everyone feel part of this new team. They looked sharp and went a long way in creating that sense of one company. It also did away with legacy brand names," said Lisa.
Leveraging Opensense's email signatures and ad banners as a brand communication channel has brought significant internal and external benefits. Lisa highlighted, “As marketers, we often focus on generating leads and brand awareness through external sources. Yet, we underestimate the daily impact of our team's email interactions. Multiply those hundreds of emails in any inbox by our 4,000 team members—that's substantial brand exposure. These emails nurture a warm customer relationship, providing tremendous value in brand recognition. Pair that with timely promotional banners, and you get significant internal and external impact. Opensense is a stellar add-on and asset for any marketing campaign."

See how leading marketing & brand teams use Opensense to maintain total control of their employee email.